The Externals-Chapter Three

I derived fun in giving my juniors moral support as they moved about our local field swiftly with their rubber boots, but nothing on earth could make me play football even if I wished I could sometimes. The SS2 students were playing against the JSS2 students since their major competitors (my male classmates) weren't around, but the game wasn't as fun as it used to be when they're present. Rhetorically speaking, the grass of GMC suffers when these elephants wrestle. Sometimes, their field struggles made it seem as if an earthquake was going to take place.

Asides the male football team, we also had the female football team even though they weren't as strong as their male counterpart because the number of female students in football in GMC was low. The best female footballer in my class and the entire school was Halima Folorunsho. We weren't so close but I admired her talent. Even though she had legs that were shorter than mine, she could easily score the goals our female team needed to triumph in matches, even from a long distance in seconds! Her nickname was "short devil".

When the "not so interesting" match ended with a 3-0 total score, I was left to wonder why Efeomo (Aza's sister) was walking towards me. I hoped she wasn't coming to give me a message from her mom to ensure I'll never be seen with her obedient and peace-loving son again after she discovered the atrocities we made him commit.

"Good morning, senior", She said to me with her tiny voice.

"Hey, there", I smiled broadly at her."How're you?"

"I'm good", She played with her fingers."What about you?"

"Good!"I tried to get some grain of sand off my shoes.

"My brother sent his regard to you", She reminded me of his innocent face." He didn't get in trouble with my mom yesterday, cause she wasn't home when he returned. Paul mistakenly cut his finger with a knife and she needed to take him to the hospital".

I felt relieved after hearing that but still wasn't happy to hear that his younger brother served as the sacrificial lamb. Still, that boy needed to be taught a lesson because he was way too troublesome for his age. Even Aza doesn't always know how to handle him when he starts his 'wahala'(trouble). Only Jess could do that.

"Oh!"I exclaimed."How is he?"

"He's...."Another girl from her class who I wasn't on good terms with, interrupted our conversation.

"Efe, what have you been doing since morning now", She turned to me."Good morning, senior"

"Hey", I replied her.

"We want you to teach us P.E this morning since our instructor is not available yet", They chorused.

"My hands are tied. Sorry", I moved away from them.

"I told she's of no good use to this school", My hater whispered loud enough for me to hear.

Out of annoyance, I agreed to be their P.E instructor for the day, ignoring the fact that I didn't possess all the necessary skills and outfits to do that. I managed to teach them the same exercise routine our P.H.E teacher had been teaching us for the past five years, and they did it well. But unfortunately, I had to put a stop on time because the shorts I wore under my school skirt got ripped when I was demonstrating one of the exercise routines. Everyone could hear the sound that produced and it was very embarrassing!

Goodness, gracious! I still can't believe that sort of thing happened to me! It still feels like a mere dream.

The one whose home I visited after school closed was Khadijat Mohammed. She was the tallest girl in my classroom, who loved candy more than anything else in the world, and also had a knack for getting along with new people. Like the others, she lived in a single room with her parents and two young siblings in a street ladened with guys who preferred having Indian hemp for breakfast every day, and girls that turn nursing mothers before the completion of their O' level. Despite all these, her goal-oriented eyes and lousy mouth was strangely a prove to me that she'll become one of the madams with numerous house helps to tend to her needs every time she beckons on them, in the nearest future.

"Chai! This girl don tall pass me oo!"Khadijat screamed as she saw me approaching her home. She was right in front of it, reading a verse of the Holy Quran. I assumed she was just coming back from her spiritual school cause she still had the uniform on.

"Really?"I was thrilled to hear that from her because her height was one thing I envied the most about her. Still, I knew she was just pulling my leg.

"I'm not joking", She remained adamant."What did you feed yourself during the holiday?"

"Nothing, honestly", I told her the truth." I guess it's just time for me to take over the title of the, "tallest girl in GMC from you".

"For your mind!"She made fun of me."This one that you've come to visit me at home, am I safe?"

"Of course", I hit her playfully." Just wanted to know why you've not been coming to school. It's unlike you".

"I guess this explains it all", Her mom walked into their compound with a bulging tummy, and a tray of sweets perfectly balanced on her head.

I wished all of that was a dream but it wasn't. She was an expectant mother. She didn't put on weight or whatever. I knew I wasn't supposed to poke nose into other people's business but I was really mad at her. How could she let that happen when she knew what was at stake?

"Good afternoon, ma", I decided to set my anger aside and greet her. After all, they say shit happens all the time!

"Bawo no (How're you)?"She replied me and left for her bedroom.

"You shouldn't blame her. Dad's family won't let her rest until she gives him a male child", Khadijat exhaled loudly.

"How can these people be so inconsiderate? Are they planning to help you raise him?" I was furious.

"This is Nigeria, Lily. What people care about is following customs and traditions! My dad is the only male child of his father, so there's no way his lineage will continue if he doesn't have one as well", She explained.

"If he wants to do so, he should work harder and stop putting your future at risk", I yelled, before realizing Mr. Mohammed was already standing in front of me!

I felt like someone just connected my body to an electric socket!!!! I couldn't imagine what life will be like without Khadijat being my friend.

"Calm down", Khadijat patted my right shoulder." My dad doesn't understand English".

"Oh!"I sighed while she made fun of me. "Thank you, Lord!"

"Oda to se wa omo mi o (It's nice of you to come to visit my daughter", Mr. Mohammed said.

"Yes, sir", I smiled.

"Ma binu pe ani ounje kidi fun e oo (Don't be annoyed that we don't have any good meal to offer you)", He gave one of the wraps of roasted meat(suya) he bought for his family and ordered his daughter to get me a cold sachet of water from a nearby shop.

Regardless of what Mr. Mohammed said or did for me, I didn't plan on changing the image of him in my head unless he makes sure Khadijat's dream of being a lawyer is realized. I believed if there should be any faults at all, it shouldn't be due to his lack of ability as a father to cater for her needs.


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